
The Publication Process
Once accepted, we publish your article as quickly as possible.
We publish your article online as quickly as possible, and then allocate your article to an online issue.
As soon as your article publishes online, we’ll let you know.
It will include an online publication date and DOI.
Start sharing your article
* Publication times may vary by journal. Not all journals publish issues in print.
Your publication checklist:
Review and return your article proof as quickly as possible, to ensure prompt publication
Track your article through the publication process
Finally, remember to share your article with colleagues and peers
Copyediting, Proofing & Typesetting
We copyedit your article for style and grammar, then send you a link to your article proof.
Please accurately review and return your article proof as quickly as possible – to help with prompt publication.
We’ll then typeset your article for publication.
 Some titles carry out typesetting before article proof stage; some titles include an Editor review after the author proof.

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