Language learning aptitude is one of the
sources of individual differences in second
language learning (Carroll, 1965; Skehan,
1991). Based on this view, individuals
may not have an undifferentiated talent for
learning languages, but rather a multi-component talent from which each
component may vary relatively
independently from the others (Skehan,
1991). Recent research has suggested that
working memory (based on Baddeley and
Hitch’s 1974 model) may form a central
component of second language learning
aptitude (Miyake & Freidman, 1998;
Sawyer & Ranta, 2001; Skehan, 2002).
Working memory is defined as a cognitive
workspace (e.g., Baddeley & Hitch, 1974;
Baddeley, 2007) with a limited pool of
attentional resources for temporary storage
and processing information while
performing higher order cognitive tasks
such as comprehension, learning and
reasoning (Baddeley & Logie, 1999).
Working memory is comprised of four
components: the phonological loop, the
visuospatial sketchpad, the central
executive, and the episodic buffer
(Baddeley, 2000a). The most important
component in this model is the central
executive or supervisory attentional
system which is a limited capacity pool of
general resources. According to Ellis, N.
C. (2001), “It regulates information flow
within working memory, activates or
inhibits the whole sequences of activities,
and resolves potential conflicts between
ongoing schema-controlled activities” (p.,
33). The phonological loop is in charge of
temporary storage and processing of
verbal information, (Baddeley, 2007,
2000a; N. Ellis, 2001) while the
visuospatial sketchpad provides an
interface between visual and spatial
information received either through the
senses or from long-term memory
(Baddeley & Hitch, 1974, p., 854). Finally,
the episodic buffer acts as a temporary
storage space where information from the
other components are integrated
(Baddeley, 2000a).
A strong body of research implicates
working memory capacity and first
language abilities such as fluency of
speech (Daneman, 1991), ability to learn
new words (Daneman & Green, 1986) and
reading comprehension (e.g., Daneman &
Carpenter, 1980; Waters & Caplan, 1996).
Emerging research in second language
acquisition has linked working memory to
second language learning in areas
including word naming and vocabulary
learning (Atkins & Baddeley, 1998),
online parsing performance (Juffs, 2004),
interactional feedback (e.g., Ando,
Fukunaga, Kurahachi, Stuto, Nakano, &
Kage, 1992; Mackey, Philp, Egi, Fujii, &
Tatsumi, 2002, Mackey, Adams, Stafford,
& Winke, 2010) and reading
comprehension (e.g., Chun & Payne,
2004; Harrington & Sawyer, 1992; Lesser,
2007; Walter, 2004).
Reading comprehension
Reading is “a multifaceted, complex
construct in that it consists of a number of
component operations, each dependent on
a wide range of competencies” (Koda,
2005, p., XV), the goal of which is to
construct text meaning based on visually
encoded information (Koda, 2005, p., 1).
Successful comprehension occurs when
extracted text information interacts with a
reader’s prior knowledge in three critical
operations: decoding the linguistic
information from the text, integrating the
extracted information into phrases,
sentences and paragraphs, and
synthesizing text information with prior
knowledge (Koda, 2007, p., 4). Because
reading is a complex cognitive function, it
is likely that individual learner capacities,
like working memory, may influence
reading comprehension.
This may be particularly the case for
second language (L2) reading, because,
unlike reading in the first language (L1),
L2 reading involves dual-language
involvement in each operation (e.g.,
Beach, 1997; Cain & Oakhill, 2006; Grabe
& Stoller, 2002; Koda, 2005). Compared
to most L1 readers who begin to read with
considerable tacit language knowledge, L2
readers have a much wider range of
language proficiency when they start
learning to read. Moreover, the cognitive
and linguistic resources accessible to L2
readers vary considerably more than those
available to L1 readers (Grabe, 2009;
Koda, 2005). Therefore, one of the major
areas of differences between L1 and L2
reading lies in the linguistic and cognitive
processing domain. Readers may have
differing amounts of lexical, grammatical
and discourse knowledge of initial stages
of L1 and L2 reading, greater
metalinguistic and metacognitive
awareness in L2 settings, differing
amounts of exposure to L2 reading,
varying linguistic differences across any
two languages, varying L2 proficiency as a
foundation for L2 reading, and varying
language transfer influences and
interacting influence of working with two
languages (e.g., Beach, 1997; Cain &
Oakhill, 2006; Grabe & Stoller, 2002;
Koda, 2005).
Role of working memory in L2 reading
The research on the development of
reading comprehension skills and sources
of individual differences in comprehension
indicates a strong relationship between L1
reading skills and cognitive variables such
as working memory (Just & Carpenter,
2002) and inhibitory control (Gernsbacher,
Varner & Faust, 1990). Since working
memory is considered a mental workspace
where the processes of retrieving,
integrating, updating and revising of
information is performed, it plays an
important role in understanding a text.
First, to identify the words, the reader
needs to recode written symbols into
phonological codes to allow for
computations to recognize linguistic
structure. Then, they develop a coherent
and integrated representation of the
concepts through making links between
successive sentences. This requires the
reader to maintain the recently read
material in working memory to make
inferences (Schmalhofer, McDaniel, &
Keefe 2002), while simultaneously
processing the same or other information
either recoded from the text or retrieved
from the long-term memory. Finally,
working memory plays a role as a buffer
of the just read propositions in a text, and
the information retrieved from the long-term memory to both establish a local
coherence between sentences and facilitate
its integration with the activated
background knowledge (e.g., Beech, 1997;
Graesser, Singer, & Trabasso, 1994).
L1 research suggests an important role for
working memory in first language reading
(e.g., Daneman & Green, 1986; Waters &
Caplan, 1996). In the same line, research
on the role of working memory is
emerging as an area of concern for second
language acquisition (e.g., Miyake &
Freidman, 1998; Robinson, 1995, 2002,
2005). However, little is known about the
role of working memory in the processing
of second language learning in general,
and in reading comprehension in
particular. Prior L2 studies on reading
present evidence of a relationship between
working memory and reading
comprehension (Alptekin & Erçetin, 2009;
Chun & Payne, 2004; Harrington &
Sawyer, 1992; Lesser, 2007; Walter,
2004). For example, Harrington and
Sawyer (1992) investigated the
relationship between L2 working memory
capacity and L2 reading among Japanese
learners of English. The subjects were
required to complete three memory tests in
L1 and L2 as well as L2 English reading
comprehension. The memory assessment
consisted of digit span, word span, and
reading span tests. L2 English reading
comprehension consisted of the grammar
and reading sections of the TOEFL and a
cloze passage. Results indicated a
significant, strong correlation between
working memory capacity (L2 reading
span), and both TOEFL reading (r=.54)
and TOEFL grammar (r=.57).
Furthermore, there was a weak correlation
between L2 reading span and cloze
passage, (r=.33). However, no significant
correlations were found between digit span
and word span measures on the one hand
and L2 English reading comprehension on
the other.
Walter (2004) examined the question of
whether the transfer of reading
comprehension skill from L1 to L2 is
linked to the development of verbal
working memory in L2, which turned out
to take place at a much lower level of L2
proficiency than that found by Harrington
and Sawyer (1992). Two groups of L1
French ESL learners participated in her
study. The first group consisted of 19
lower-intermediate ESL learners, while the
second group consisted of 22 upper-intermediate ESL learners. Three measures
were administered by Walter (2004), each
in both languages (French and English): 1)
a baseline comprehension assessment
where the participants were required to
complete a gapped summary of the story
they had just read, 2) a pro-form resolution
test where the participants were told to
read a story and stop when they
encountered an expression printed in red,
then read the word aloud, tell the meaning
of the word, and identify its first mention,
3) a verbal working memory measure
where the participants were asked to read
an increasingly longer sets of sentences
and judge if they were logical or illogical
and then recall the sentence-final words
across the sets.
The results indicated a significant
correlation between working memory
scores and L2 summary completion scores.
However, the correlation was higher for
lower-intermediate group (.79***, P <
.0001) than for upper-intermediate group
(.46**, P < .01). This implies that the
lower-intermediate group’s success in
summary completion tasks relied
significantly on their working memory
capacity. This supports the idea that there
is a link between the development of
verbal working memory in L2 and success
in L2 reading comprehension. This study
also revealed that success of upper-intermediate group in L2 reading
comprehension relied more on reading
skills (the ability to build well-structured
mental representations of texts) than on
working memory. These findings suggest
that the role of working memory in L2
reading development may be mediated by
L2 proficiency.
Recent research by Alptekin and Erçetin
(2009) provides additional evidence of a
mediating role of proficiency in the
relationship between working memory
capacity and L2 reading ability. In their
study, 30 L1 Turkish undergraduate
students with advanced L2 English
proficiency (enrolled in English language
teaching courses) were required to
complete two working memory measures
and a reading comprehension test. Results
of their study indicated a moderately
significant correlation (r= .40*, P <.05)
between scores on one working memory
measure and learner ability to make
inferences in the texts. However, no
further relationships were found among
working memory and reading measures.
These findings raise questions about the
importance of working memory in L2
reading at higher levels of proficiency.
As well as proficiency, Lesser’s (2007)
research suggests that the role of working
memory in L2 reading may also be
moderated by prior content knowledge. In
his study, 94 high beginner L2 Spanish
learners completed a computerized version
of an L1 RST as a measure of working
memory capacity, a recall protocol task to
measure passage comprehension, and form
recognition and tense identification tests to
determine processing of future tense
morphology. The results of the study
suggested that topic familiarity was an
important factor in L2 reading
comprehension as it played a significant
role in beginning L2 readers’ recognition
of target forms and their ability to make
form-meaning connections. Working
memory also played a significant role in
learners’ comprehension and processing of
grammatical form, depending on the extent
to which it interacted with learners’ prior
knowledge. A more significant role of
working memory in reading
comprehension was observed as the
participants’ prior knowledge about text
topic increased.
It should be noted that other studies have
not uncovered connections between
working memory and reading
comprehension. For example, Chun &
Payne (2004) examined the role of
individual differences in the L2 German
reading comprehension and vocabulary
acquisition of 13 L1 English students in a
second year German language course. A
computer-delivered version of Daneman
and Carpenter’s (1980) L1 RST as well as
a non-word repetition task were used to
measure working memory. A German
short story, including four sets of
comprehension exercises followed by a
recall protocol, was used as a measure of
reading comprehension. The results
indicated a strong relationship between
phonological working memory capacity as
measured by word recognition based on
non-word repetition and look-up behavior,
measured as the number of annotations
which had been looked up and recorded
while reading an L2 text. Learners with
low phonological short-term memory
capacity looked for an average of three
times more words than participants with
high phonological short-term memory
capacity. However, they did not report any
significant findings for working memory
on any of the comprehension or
vocabulary acquisition measures
Role of phonological short-term
memory in L2 reading comprehension
A considerable body of evidence suggests
that PSTM, as a component of WM, may
be an essential cognitive mechanism
underlying successful L2 reading (e.g.,
Masoura & Gathercole, 1999, 2005;
Papagno, Valentine & Baddeley, 1991;
Service 1992, Service & Craik, 1993;
Service & Kohonen, 1995). For example,
in a longitudinal study that lasted for four
years, Service (1992) examined the role of
PSTM in English as a foreign language
learning of 44 L1 Finnish primary school
students. PSTM was measured through a
pseudoword repetition task conducted each
year of the study. In each task, the
participants were required to listen to two
lists of pseudowords, an English-sounding
list and a Finnish-sounding one, and repeat
aloud the pseudowords they heard as
quickly as possible. Service (1992) found
a strong relationship between PSTM, as
measured by the English-sounding
pseudoword lists, at the start of the English
instruction and the performance on tests of
listening, reading comprehension and
writing 2.5 years later. She also suggested
that PSTM underlies the acquisition of
new vocabulary items in a foreign
In a follow-up longitudinal study, Service
and Kohonen (1995) investigated whether
the relationship between PSTM and
foreign language learning is accounted for
by vocabulary acquisition. They recorded
42 (9-10 year-old) Finnish participants'
performance on pseudoword repetition, as
a measure of PSTM, over four consecutive
years. They also recorded the participants'
performance on different individual L2
English tasks during the fourth year of the
longitudinal study. These tasks measured
the participants' L2 reading, listening,
writing, vocabulary and knowledge of
grammatical structures. Their regression
analyses on pseudoword repetition and L2
tasks revealed significant correlations
between pseudoword repetition and
foreign language learning, even after a
measure of general academic achievement
had been partialed out. By varying second-step factors in their regression analysis,
they were able to show that L2 vocabulary
performance and pseudoword repetition
accounted for the same variance in
performance for foreign language
measures. Service and Kohonen (1995)
interpret these findings as an indication
that PSTM influences vocabulary learning,
which in turn influences success in other
areas of L2 performance. This data
provides evidence of a specific
relationship between PSTM (as measured
by pseudoword repetition) and vocabulary
Furthermore, Masoura and Gathercole
(2005) found an important role for PSTM
in the L2 English vocabulary learning for
Greek children. They investigated the
contributions of PSTM and existing
foreign vocabulary knowledge to the
learning of new English words. Their L1
Greek children completed a paired-associate learning task as a measure of L2
vocabulary learning, two non-word
repetition tasks as measures of PSTM, and
a nonverbal ability task. Masoura and
Gathercole (2005) found that PSTM made
a large contribution to L2 vocabulary
learning at earlier stages of L2 learning,
but as the familiarity with L2 knowledge
increased, the existing L2 knowledge
played a mediating role in L2 vocabulary
However, Kormos & Sáfár (2008) found
no significant correlation between PSTM
and L2 proficiency. They investigated
whether there is a relationship between
PSTM and WMC and performance in L2
language skills, as measured by an L2
proficiency test. They asked 121
secondary school students to complete a
non-word repetition test, a Cambridge
First Certificate Exam, and a backward
digit span test after an intensive language
training program. Their results indicated
that there was no significant correlation
between PSTM and L2 language skills, but
there was a significant correlation between
WMC, as measured by a backward digit
span test and L2 language skills (reading,
listening, and speaking), with the
exception of writing. Kormos & Sáfár
(2008) suggested that PSTM and WM are
distinct constructs, and play a different
role in instructed second language
Purpose of the study
Although the studies reviewed above,
except for Chun and Payne (2004),
provide evidence for a relationship
between working memory and L2 reading
comprehension, there has been little
attention paid to the role of working
memory in reading comprehension across
language proficiency levels. The
proficiency of the participants in these
studies varies from the advanced level
(Alptekin & Erçetin, 2009; Harrington and
Sawyer, 1992) to the intermediate (Chun
& Payne, 2004), upper and lower
intermediate (Walter, 2004) and high
beginning levels (Lesser, 2007).
Similarly, there are limitations with the
prior studies on the role of PSTM in L2
reading. These studies differed in terms of
the findings and the proficiency level of
the participants used. While some research
has linked PSTM to L2 reading ability
(e.g., Masuora & Gathercole, 2005;
Service, 1992), some others found no
relationship between PSTM and L2
reading ability (e.g., Harrington & Sawyer,
1992; Kormos & Sáfár, 2008).
Furthermore, none of the prior studies has
examined the role of PSTM in L2 reading
comprehension across language
proficiency levels.
These limitations and differences in
research findings point to the need to
examine the relationship between WM and
PSTM and L2 reading ability across
proficiency levels. Thus, the current study
was designed and proposed the following
research questions to investigate whether
WM and PSTM influence L2 reading
ability at different levels of proficiency.
Research questions
This study has been designed to address
the following questions:
1- What is the relationship between
learners’ working memory and L2
reading comprehension across
proficiency levels?
2- What is the relationship between
phonological short-term memory
and L2 reading comprehension
across proficiency levels?
These research questions were developed
based on the hypothesis that working
memory capacity and L2 proficiency play
important roles in different stages of
second language reading development.
Prior L2 studies suggest that individual
differences in working memory capacity
predict reading ability at lower proficiency
levels (e.g., Harrington & Sawyer, 1992;
Lesser, 2007; Walter, 2004). They all
suggest that learners with higher working
memory capacity outperform those with
lower working memory capacity on given
reading tasks. This may be that these
learners rely more on memory resources in
processing and arriving at the text
meaning. However, as their L2 proficiency
develops, their automaticity in processing
the text meaning will increase, as well, and
consequently their reliance on memory
resources will decrease. The more the
participants develop L2 proficiency, the
more they draw on automaticity, and the
less they rely on memory resources. Then
this research was designed to examine this
hypothesis and determine how the role of
working memory in L2 reading ability is
mediated by L2 proficiency level at
different stages of development.
Fifty five L1 Persian EFL learners at
beginning, intermediate, and advanced
level participated in the study. As
indicated in Table 1, they included both
males and females, with the mean age of
19, studying English as a foreign language
in a private language school. Identification
of the proficiency level of the participants
was based on the Kanoon language
institute (KLI) Placement test, a test used
in the language school where the
participants were selected. This test was
originally developed to identify the
optimal level for students entering
programs where KLI books and materials
are taught. This test includes 120 multiple-choice questions measuring the
participants’ L2 proficiency in listening
and reading skills as well as vocabulary
and grammar and is completed within two
hours. One point is allocated to each
correct answer with the total of 120 for
this test. The range of cut off scores for
placing the participants into three levels of
proficiency is 0-40, 41-80, and 80-120 for
beginning, intermediate and advanced
levels respectively. The participants had
taken the test two weeks before this study
was conducted. As indicated in Table 1
fewer students were enrolled in the
advanced level course at this school, so
this group was the smallest.

The participants each completed a battery
of reading and memory measures over a
total of an hour and a half. Some of the
measures were administered in a group
setting, others one-on-one with one of the
researchers. The reading measure
consisted of two reading passages at each
level of proficiency. The memory
measures consisted of a RST and non-word recognition task. All participants
followed the same order in completing the
Memory measures
Reading Span Test. A RST was first
introduced by Daneman & Carpenter
(1980). It was used to measure working
memory capacity and give an index of
processing and storage, the components of
working memory. In this test, the
participants are asked to read sets of
sentences and report on semantic
acceptability of each sentence (processing
assessment) and then recall the final word
of each sentence when prompted (storage
assessment). As a measure of working
memory capacity, this test has been used
in several studies (e.g., Chun & Payne,
2004; Daneman & Carpenter, 1980;
Harrington & Sawyer, 1992; Lesser, 2007;
Light & Anderson, 1985; Osaka & Osaka,
1992; Osaka, Osaka, & Groner, 1993;
Swanson, 1994).
In this study, a Persian RST was used to
measure working memory capacity. This
was based on the prior research that
indicates working memory is language
independent (Osaka & Osaka, 1992;
Osaka, Osaka & Groner, 1993).
Furthermore, measuring working memory
in L1 could help to avoid conflating
working memory and L2 proficiency. This
test was developed by one of the
researchers, and its problems were
identified and removed over three pilot
studies. The test was designed with 64
items. For each item, the participants were
required to judge whether the sentence
made sense or was not and also to
remember the final word. After sets of 3,
4, 5, or 6 sentences, the participants were
asked to recall the final words and write
them down in correct order in their answer
sheets. The test was administered using a
projector in for full-classes.
Non-word recognition test. A non-word
recognition task was used to measure
phonological short term memory
Phonological-short term memory is in
charge of temporary storage and
processing of verbal information (e.g.,
Baddeley, 2000a, 2007; Baddeley & Hitch,
1974; N. Ellis, 2001). It is a separate
construct from working memory (Juffs &
Harrington, 2001). Research suggests that
learning the sound structures of new words
in L2 is mediated by phonological short-term memory (e.g., Gathercole &
Baddeley, 1990a; Miyake & Freidman,
1998; Valler & Papango, 2002; Skehan,
1989). Measures of phonological short-term memory are commonly included in
studies of working memory and second
language learning (e.g., Chun & Payne,
2004; Harrington & Sawyer, 1992;
Mackey, Philp, Egi, Fujii, & Tatsumi,
2002; Trofimovich, Ammar, & Gatbonton,
This test was based on recommendations
by Gathercole and her colleagues (e.g.,
Gathercole & Baddeley, 1989; Gathercole,
Frankish, Pickering, Peaker, 1999;
Gathercole, Pickering, Hall & Peaker,
2001; Gathercole, Willis, Emslie &
Baddeley, 1991) for the most valid
measure of phonological short-term
memory. This test consisted of sequences
of English non-words. Non-words were
used to minimize the influence of
vocabulary knowledge on phonological
short-term memory and yield a relatively
accurate estimate of it (Gathercole &
Pickering, 2001). Following the procedure
used by Trofimovich et al., (2007) the
participants heard two consecutive
sequences of non-words and judged
whether they were in the same or different
order. The length of each sequence was
gradually increased across the pairs within
the range of 4 to 7 non-words.
As a result, the test was administered to 55
participants at three proficiency levels in
this study. This test was conducted in full
class, and the participants were required to
listen to each pair of sequences to
determine if the order of non-words in
both sequences was the same or different
by checking the boxes next to each choice
in their answer sheets.
Reading measure
At each level of proficiency, two reading
passages were selected from the language
school’s syllabus material resources where
the difficulty level of the passages had
been controlled for each level of
proficiency. The participants reported that
they had not viewed the passages prior to
the study. The reason for choosing two
passages was to minimize the effect of the
participants’ background knowledge as
well as text genres on comprehension
(Alderson, 2000; Beach, 1997; Koda,
2005; Mitchell, 1982; Nation, 2009). In
post study de-briefing questionnaires,
participants claimed that they had not been
familiar with the text content. All passages
included social and science topics
followed by 5 multiple-choice
comprehension questions each. The
multiple-choice comprehension questions
included both literal and inferential types
of comprehension questions to assess the
participants’ lower and higher level
processing of information respectively.
The participants’ raw scores on each
memory and reading measure were
calculated. To score RST, one mark was
allocated to correct judgement and one
mark to their correct recall with the total of
54 each. To control the recency effect, no
marks were given to the last target of each
set if it was recalled first (Turner & Engle,
1989; Waters & Caplan, 1996). This has
proved to be a reliable method of scoring
(Convey, Kane, Bunting, Hambrick,
Wilhelm, Engle, 2005). (Recency effect
influence recall of information.
Essentially, the most recently presented
items will most likely be recalled best.
Thus, controlling this effect may give us a
more accurate estimate of working
memory capacity.) Furthermore, to control
any trade-off between the working
memory components, a composite
working memory z-scores was computed
as an indicator of working memory
capacity (e.g., Alptekin & Erçetin, 2009;
Lesser, 2007; Turner & Engle, 1989;
Waters & Caplan, 1996).
To score non-word recognition test, one
mark was allocated to each correct answer
with the total of 22 for this measure. The
scores in this measure were placed at a
wide range within each group. They were
situated in the ranges of 7-21, 10-21, and
9-21 for the beginning, intermediate and
advanced groups respectively. To score
reading measures, one mark was allocated
to each correct answer. Since the number
of passages and questions were consistent
across proficiency levels, each participant
was expected to obtain a reading score
within a range of 0-10. Results indicated
relatively wide ranges in the reading
scores within the groups, particularly at
the beginning and intermediate levels. The
scores at these two levels ranged from 3-10 and 4-10 respectively. To be consistent
throughout the study, the scores of non-word recognition test and reading
measures were converted into z-scores
before the inferential analysis is obtained.
Descriptive statistics across proficiency
Descriptive statistics for memory and
reading z-scores at each level of
proficiency are indicated in Table 2 which
report mean, standard deviation, range,
minimum, maximum and number of
participants for each proficiency level.

As indicated in Table 2, the means and
standard deviations at the intermediate and
advanced levels are nearly the same, and
different from those at the beginning level.
Furthermore, the results of one-way
ANOVA indicated a significant difference
between the beginning and intermediate
groups’ performance on working memory
capacity, as measured by RST (F (2, 52) =
5.87, P=.005; P<.05). However, they
indicated an overall similarity between the
groups on PSTM (F (2, 52) = 2.27,
P=.113, P<.05), suggesting that there were
no significant differences on participants’
performance on PSTM here.
Working memory and reading
In order to weight tests equally, z-scores
were calculated for all measures. Then
correlations between and within
explanatory and responsive variables were
obtained. To control any trade-off between
the components of working memory and
provide a more stable measure of the
working memory capacity, composites
were created from unit-weighted z-scores
of storage and processing measures
through averaging the sum of storage and
processing z-scores (e.g., Lesser, 2007;
Turner & Engle, 1989; Waters & Caplan,
1996). Table 3 displays the results of the
correlation analysis. Only one significant
correlation was found in these data,
between the RST scores and reading
comprehension at the beginning level. This
was a moderate, positive correlation.

Regressions were run where there was a
statistically significant correlation between
explanatory and responsive variable. This
was to see how much the explanatory
variable makes contribution to the
prediction of the responsive variable.
Overall, one regression was run at the
beginning level. Summary results are
presented in Table 4.

To determine how much effect can be
attributed to the influence of working
memory on the reading measure, the effect
size for the model was obtained from the
R² value in the regression model. As
displayed in Table 4, R² value indicated
that RST composite accounted for 25% of
the variance for the reading measure. This
model had a β of .50, indicating that each
increase of 1 point in the RST composite
scores predicted a half point increase in
the reading measure scores.
General discussion
Research question 1
The first research question addressed the
relationship between working memory and
L2 reading comprehension and also if the
relationship differed at different
proficiency levels. The results provide
limited evidence of a relationship between
working memory capacity and L2 reading
comprehension. There was a significant
correlation between the reading measure
and working memory composite (r=.501*,
P<.05) at beginning level. Regression
results also indicated that RST could be a
good predictor of L2 learners’ reading
performance at beginning level. The large
effect size found here suggests that
working memory (as measured by RST) is
a good predictor of individual’s
performance in the reading comprehension
tests. These results suggest that working
memory capacity, as measured by RST, is
a potential source of individual differences
in explaining L2 reading ability at the
beginning level. Indeed, the analysis
suggested that a quarter of the variance
among learners at this level may be
explained by differences in working
memory capacity. This signals in an
important role for working memory in
beginning level L2 reading. This suggests
that, at lower proficiency levels where
much of the language processing may still
be controlled and effortful, learners with
higher cognitive resources may have an
These results provide further evidence for
that working memory, as measured by
RSTs, plays a role in reading ability both
in L1 (e.g., Daneman & Carpenter, 1980;
Waters & Caplan, 1996; Just & Carpenter,
1992) and L2 (e.g., Harrington & Sawyer,
1992; Lesser, 2007; Walter, 2004). The
results also provide evidence for claims
that the relationship between working
memory capacity and reading ability might
be most important at the beginning levels
of language ability (e.g., Ellis & Sinclair,
1996; Temple, 1997, Williams & Lovett,
However, as the proficiency increases, the
relationship between working memory and
L2 reading disappears. This suggests that
low proficiency L2 learners rely on
working memory more than high
proficiency L2 learners during reading
tasks. This supports Temple’s (1997)
proposal that working memory plays an
especially important role in early L2
learning. It is also consistent with findings
of previous study conducted by Lesser
(2007) that working memory plays an
important role in beginning Spanish
learners’ comprehension as well as
Walter’s (2004) findings that for lower-proficiency L1 French ESL learners the
transfer of reading comprehension skill
from L1 to L2 relies on verbal working
memory. She suggested that success of
higher-proficiency learners relied more on
reading skills than on working memory. It
seems that for higher level learners, with
greater language knowledge and greater
automaticity in the reading process, the
reading tasks presented less of a burden on
working memory than for lower level
learners who relied more on memory
capacity. At this point then, differences in
working memory capacity no longer lead
to differences in reading comprehension.
Rather, as proficiency develops, language
knowledge takes the major role in
extracting the text information (Alderson,
2000; Cain & Oakhill, 2006; Grabe &
Stoller, 2002; Koda, 2005; Leslie &
Caldwell, 2009), perhaps because of
greater automaticity in language
processing at higher levels of proficiency.
This suggests a dual view of individual
reading comprehension in a second
language; at the beginning levels of
proficiency, learners with greater cognitive
capacity may be better readers while at
higher levels, learners with greater
language knowledge may be better
readers. The more fluent the learners are,
the more automatic their processes, and
the less memory demanding L2 reading
will be.
In summary, RST, as a working memory
measure, was found to be a good predictor
of reading comprehension, but only for
low proficiency learners. In other words,
individual differences in beginners’
working memory capacity may play an
important role in their reading ability. As
the results of this study and prior studies
(e.g., Harrington & Sawyer, 1992; Lesser,
2007; Walter, 2004) suggest beginning
level learners with high working memory
capacity outperformed the learners with
low working memory capacity in their
reading ability.
Research question 2
The second research question looked at the
relationship between PSTM and L2
reading. It also sought to determine if this
relationship differed across proficiency
groups. The results of the study indicated
no significant correlation between this
variable and reading measures at each
level of proficiency. PSTM is a poor
predictor of the participants’ reading
ability. These findings may reflect earlier
evidence that PSTM plays a mediating role
in reading comprehension, possibly
limited to vocabulary acquisition both in
first and second language (e.g., Baddeley,
Papagno, & Vallar, 1998; Gathercole &
Baddeley, 1989; Gathercole & Baddeley,
1990) which in turn impacts on reading
comprehension (Cheung, 1996;
Gathercole, Willis, Emslie & Baddeley,
1991; Masuora & Gathercole, 2005). This
may be why no direct relationship between
PSTM and reading measures was found.
These findings are consistent with prior
research in which PSTM did not explain
individual differences in L1 (e.g.,
Daneman & Carpenter, 1980) and L2
reading comprehension (Harrington &
Sawyer, 1992; Kormos & Sáfár, 2008).
Limitations of the study and suggestions
for further research
There was a relatively small sample size,
particularly at advanced level. Further
research among a large group of
participants could provide a more reliable
view of the role of proficiency in the
relationship between working memory and
L2 reading. Second, in this study, memory
measures included a PSTM test and a
working memory capacity measure, RST.
Both of these tests were based on verbal
processing. Further research may include
non-verbal measures of working memory,
for example, a math span test, to more
accurately measure working memory
capacity. Finally, a broader testing battery
of reading measures, beyond multiple-choice testing, may better illuminate the
relationship between working memory and
L2 reading comprehension.
This study examined whether the
relationship between WM and L2 reading
ability differs across proficiency levels.
Similar to prior studies (e.g., Harrington &
Sawyer, 1992; Lesser, 2007; Walter,
2004), the present study indicated that
there is a relationship between WM and
L2 reading ability. However, this study is
distinguished from the prior studies in that
it adds a unique theoretical implication to
the research area of WM and L2 reading
The implication of this study is that the
relationship between WM and L2 reading
ability differs according to proficiency
level. The findings here suggest that
working memory capacity can well predict
participants’ reading ability at the
beginning level. At higher proficiency
levels, other factors such as language
knowledge may play an important role in
predicting reading ability.
The present study also investigated
whether the relationship between PSTM,
as a component of WM, and L2 reading
ability is mediated by L2 proficiency. This
study provides further support for
Harrington & Sawyer’s (1992) and
Kormos & Sáfár’s (2008) studies, which
suggest that PSTM does not play a direct
role in L2 reading ability. This is likely to
be because simple processing in PSTM
(articulatory rehearsal) may not be a good
predictor for multi-level processing in L2
reading ability.
The findings of this study should be
considered as preliminary steps in
exploring the relationship between
working memory capacity and L2 reading
comprehension, providing new directions
for further studies in this area. These
studies could examine the relationship
between working memory capacity and the
lower and higher level reading processes.
Further studies could also investigate
whether there is a relationship between
PSTM and L2 reading comprehension by
the mediating role of L2 vocabulary