Task-based language teaching (TBLT) has
gained favor over the last two decades, both
in second language pedagogy and in studies
on second language acquisition. Task-based
approaches are motivated by ideas espoused
by communicative language teaching, which
calls for language teaching to make use of
real-life situations that necessitate language
use. Under TBLT, learners perform tasks
that focus on meaning exchange and use
language for real-world, non-linguistic
It has been hypothesized that the intentional
manipulations of task variables in the
context of meaningful language use will
likely result in learners’ focusing on form.
According to Skehan (1998) and Robinson
(2001a), tasks can be designed in such a way
that learners allocate more attention to
language form while still primarily focusing
on task completion. This is done through
what Skehan and Robinson refer to as the
manipulation of task complexity, which can
be matched both to learners’ linguistic
development and to the purpose of the
To date, a variety of predictions about the
effects of task complexity in Robinson’s
(2001b) framework have been tested,
focusing mainly on L2 linguistic
performance (i.e., complexity, accuracy, and
fluency) during either oral or written tasks
(Gilabert, 2007; Ishikawa, 2007; Kuiken &
Vedder, 2007; Michel, Kuiken, & Vedder,
2007; Robinson, 2001a). However, the
findings of these studies have not been
conclusive; they suggest that more complex
tasks positively impact linguistic
performance in general, yet more specific
findings related to both accuracy and
syntactic complexity only partially
supported the cognition hypothesis (e.g.,
promoting either complexity or accuracy).
Literature review
Meta-analysis in the field of SLA in China
Since Norris and Ortega’s (2000) seminal
study, the usefulness of meta-analysis as a
trustworthy tool for research synthesis has
been widely recognized in the area of SLA
studies. In the field of SLA research in
China, there has been few meta-analysis.
There are mainly two reasons for this: first,
meta-analysis is a comparatively new
method that is not known to many people;
second, this method has a demand on both
the quantity and quality of the empirical
studies. We searched in the CNKI using
“meta-analysis” as the keyword for the topic
and discovered that there are only three
papers in the field of SLA research in China.
Cai (2012) introduced the method of
meta-analysis and recommended some
topics for study using this method. Qin and
Yang (2013) introduced the soft ware
RevMan in meta-analysis of second
language studies. Strictly speaking, only Liu
and Gao’s (2011) can be taken as a real
meta-analysis. They explored the impact of
meta-cognitive strategy training on Chinese
learners’ English writing. However, the
number of included primary studies is small
in their paper. In addition, there is
heterogeneity of the participants in the
primary studies, while the authors did not
discuss this. It is hoped that the present
review will offer both a comprehensive look
at past studies on task complexity as well as
a glimpse at what may contain for future
Two hypotheses about task complexity
The two influential claims regarding the
extent to which task characteristics can
affect the allocation of the learners’ attention
during task performance are Skehan’s (1998)
limited capacity hypothesis and Robinson’s
(2001b) cognition hypothesis. Whereas
Skehan’s (1998) limited capacity hypothesis
argues for the single-resource model of
attention, Robinson’s (2001a, 2001b, 2003,
2005) cognition hypothesis predicts that
learners are able to access multiple and
noncompetitive pools of attention.
According to Robinson, there is not a
trade-off between attention to accuracy and
attention to complexity of language
production. Rather, he claims that increasing
task complexity promotes more accurate and
more complex language. In his task
complexity framework, Robinson classifies
task complexity into two dimensions:
resource-directing and resource-dispersing.
Robinson (2001b) argued that the two task
complexity categories identify an important
difference in the way these dimensions
affect resource allocation during L2 task
performance. He thus claimed that the
effects of task complexity in the two kinds
of dimensions are very different.
According to Robinson (2001b),
resource-directing variables of task
complexity make greater demands on
attention and working memory in a way that
redirects them to linguistic resources during
task performance. Therefore, increasing task
complexity along resource directing
dimensions, for example, by requiring
learners to use reasoning skills [+reasoning
demands] to consider many elements [-few
elements] or to narrate events that are
displaced in time and space [-here and now],
can direct learners’ attention to specific,
task-relevant linguistic features. On the
contrary, resource-dispersing variables are
those that make increased
performative-procedural demands on
participants’ attentional and memory
resources but do not direct them to any
element of the linguistic system (Robinson,
2001b, 2005). Making tasks more complex
along resource-dispersing dimensions, for
instance, by requiring learners to perform
more than one task simultaneously [-single
task] or by providing no prior knowledge
support [-prior knowledge] or planning time
[-planning time], leads learners to disperse
attention over many non-linguistic areas
during task performance.
Whereas Skehan’s limited capacity
hypothesis (1998) predicts that increasing
the cognitive demands of tasks would
negatively affect both accuracy and
linguistic complexity of learner production,
Robinson’s cognition hypothesis claims that
making tasks more complex in the
resource-directing dimensions will increase
linguistic accuracy and complexity (e.g.,
Robinson, 2001b, 2005, 2007a, 2011).
Robinson also predicts that increasing task
complexity would encourage learners to
look for more assistance in the input and
attend to linguistic codes that are required
for task completion (Robinson, 2001a;
Robinson & Gilabert, 2007). In task-based
learner-learner interaction contexts,
increasing complexity along resource-
directing dimensions has the potential to
direct learners’ attentional and memory
resources to L2 structures, providing
“learning opportunities” and thus ultimately
leading to interlanguage development
(Robinson, 2007b, p. 23).
As mentioned above, there is a need for
more research that examines the effects of
resource-directing cognitive factors in task
complexity on L2 language performance.
Since these factors are the major source of
contention between the Trade-off
Hypothesis and the Cognition Hypothesis,
they warrant further scrutiny.
The present study
We undertook a synthesis of primary
research on the effect of task complexity,
incorporating systematic procedures to
survey the research domain and quantitative
meta-analytic techniques to summarize and
interpret study findings. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first study to
synthesize research about task complexity in
China using meta-analysis. The research
domain was defined as all published articles
and unpublished dissertations investigating
the effects of task complexity on Chinese
learners’ language production. The study
aims to answer the following questions:
(1) Which resource-directing variables have
been investigated and what measures are
used in the studies on task complexity
according to Robinson’s TCF?
(2) Overall, how effective is increasing task
complexity along resource-directing
dimensions on learners’ production in
terms of measures of CALF ?
(3) Does modality of production (oral or
written) make any difference of this
Identifying primary studies
Documents were accessed electronically
through CNKI, which is usually regarded as
the most comprehensive database in China.
The key words for the topic we used are the
following ones: task complexity, task
difficulty, task and complexity, task and
accuracy, task and fluency, task and oral
production, task and written production, task
and language production, task type, task
condition, task planning, task familiarity.
We firstly used electronic databases to
narrow the scope of primary studies, and
then by manual work, which is usually taken
as an effective way. Three steps are strictly
followed before the last decision was made.
First, we skimmed the titles of the papers
and kept those empirical studies. Next, we
read the abstracts of the kept papers and
excluded the ones that do not meet the
inclusion criteria of this meta-analysis.
Finally, a thorough reading of the whole
paper helps us to make the last decision.
A well-known issue that often arises in
meta-analytic studies is that of the
synthesist’s approach to the fugitive
literature. Rosenthal (1994) maintains that
the most comprehensive synthesis of the
state of knowledge about a research question
should include not only published sources
but also hard-to-find “fugitive” sources.
Considering the fact that there is not a long
history for the empirical studies in Chinese
SLA research field, we decided to include
the published articles and unpublished thesis
or dissertations in order to minimize the
problem of publication bias.
In all, 152 potentially relevant study reports
were retrieved from the initial literature
search. Both researchers reviewed each
report to determine the actual relevance of
the study to the research domain and current
research questions. Forty-two potential
studies remained after eliminating those
unempirical ones. Then, a strict inclusion
and exclusion criteria were made to further
decide the literature included in the present
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
(1) Independent variables involved
manipulating task complexity along
resource-directing dimensions as
specified in Robinson’s TCF.
(2) At least one or more dimensions about
CALF were included as the dependent
variables examined in the study.
(3) Participants involved in the study were
Chinese EFL learners.
(4) The design of the study employed either
repeated measures or group
(5) The publication data was between 2000
and 2013.
(6) The study report contained adequate
information for effect sizes to be
calculated (means, SD, sample sizes).
(7) The studies that cannot be categorized
according to Robinson’s TCF were not
included in the present synthesis and
(8) The studies with total scores as
dependent variables were not included.
Coding of the primary studies
After identifying the body of research
literature meeting the inclusion criteria, we
coded and categorized the resulting 12 study
reports according to a variety of study
features. According to Lipsey and Wilson
(2001), the study descriptors in a
meta-analysis fall into three types: substantive
aspects that are usually independent variables
in primary studies; methodological aspects
that might become moderator variables
accounting fir effect size variation; and
bibliographic aspects such as dates of
publication, publication type, and so on. Even
though this classification may help
meta-analysts to understand the coding
process, the distinction among the three
categories may not be as clear-cut as expected
simply because a certain feature might switch
between categories (Li, 2010). As for the
present meta-analysis, most of the features of
the included primary studies are
low-inference ones (e.g. participants’
academic statue, sizes of samples,
measurements of language production, etc.).
While the controlling variables of task
complexity in some primary studies may be
regarded as high-inferences. For example,
some studies (e.g. He & Wang 2003, Ma 2005)
defined task complexity according to different
types. In order to get them included in the
present meta-analysis, we categorized them
according to Robinsons’ taxonomic
framework. The following coding categories
were established finally: publication year,
academic status of participants, controlling
variables, modality, and outcome measures.
Effect size calculation
In selecting from the different effect size
estimates, Rosenthal (1994) recommends
employing d-type effect size estimates when
the original studies have compared two
groups. Given the designs adopted by most
primary researchers with task complexity,
Cohen’s (1988) d-index was selected as the
most appropriate effect size estimate.
Calculating Cohen’s d produces a
standardized mean difference for any
contrasts made between two groups within a
primary research study.
The research synthesis
A comparatively steady increase of the studies
in the past decade was found from the
synthesis. Among the 12 studies for the
synthesis, 7 ones are carried out in oral
modality and 5 are in written modality. Eight
studies involved university non-English
majors as participants, 3 others involving
English majors, and another one high school
students. The 12 primary studies contained an
impressively large number of indices of
dependent variable measures——CALF. Most
studies employed one measure for each
dimension. Table 1 illustrates the descriptive
information of the primary studies, including
the measures employed by those in the
present meta-analysis.
Table 1 Descriptive features of the included

The meta-analysis
Eleven primary studies from the 12 included
in the synthesis were chosen for meta-analysis.
They all used repeated-measures designs. All
the analyses were performed by using
professional meta-analysis software RevMan,
which is usually employed in meta-analysis.
The results of meta-analysis on the four
dimensions of learners’ production are shown
in table 2.

Syntactic Complexity
Among the 12 included studies, ten
contributes to the effect sizes about syntactic
complexity. According to the convention of
meta-analysis, we first conducted test of
heterogeneity. The p value was lower than .05,
which indicates that there is heterogeneity;
therefore random-effects model was used for
analysis. The above table shows that the
magnitude of effects taken in 10 independent
studies was 0.64. The 95% CI encompassed
only positive values. This size is medium
according to Cohen (1988), which means that
increased task complexity along
resource-directing dimension results in
increased syntactic complexity. Even though
the effect size is not big, this finding confirms
Robinson’s Cognition Hypothesis that higher
cognitive task complexity may result in
increased language complexity.
To further explore the role of modality, a
subgroup analysis was conducted (see table 3).
Results show that there is no significant
difference between the two groups (p=0.17).
The effect size for oral modality is 1.10, while
for the written modality it is only 0.35. It
should also be noted that, as for written tasks,
the 95% CI (-0.16-0.86) includes both
positive and negative values and includes zero,
which amounts to a statistically
non-significant difference for syntactic
complexity between contrasted simple and
complex conditions. Whereas for oral tasks,
the 95% CI (0.15-2.06) does not contain zero,
indicating that there is a trustworthy
difference in terms of the effects of complex
and simple task on syntactic complexity.
Table 3 Effect sizes in syntactic complexity of
learners’ production

Lexical complexity
We found a small positive effect size for
measures of lexical complexity (d=0.20, 95%
CI= 0.16-0.55). While this positive
directionality of the result is consistent with
the prediction of Cognition Hypothesis, the CI
included both positive and negative values.
Subgroup analysis revealed that there was no
significant difference between oral and
written production (p=0.68). Both CIs
included zero, which indicates that the
difference for lexical complexity between
simple and complex conditions is statistically
However, despite the non-significant
difference between the two modalities, it is
worth noticing that effect size in the written
modality is slightly higher than that in the oral
modality (0.45 versus 0.13). Table 4 shows
the result.

Calculations yielded a small negative effect
size for accuracy (d=-0.18), which refutes the
Cognition Hypothesis and is consistent with
Skehan’s Trade-off Hypothesis in that there is
a competition between linguistic complexity
and accuracy in learners’ production.
Subgroup analysis shows no statistically
significance between oral and written
modalities (p=0.93), which means that
modality does not significantly influence the
effects of task complexity on accuracy in
learners’ language production. Table 5
presents the detailed information of the
subgroup analysis. Subgroup analysis shows
that the combined effect size for the oral
studies is -0.10, which is a little higher than
that of the written studies. This indicates that
the effect of increasing task complexity is
more obvious in written production than in
the oral production. However, even though
the magnitude is different, the effect is
negative in both modes of language

Only 7 studies investigated learners’
accuracy, with 2 of them in oral modality
and 5 in written modality. The effect size is
near to zero (0.01), 95% CI is -0.60~0.62. A
subgroup analysis was also conducted (table
6). For oral production tasks, the effect size
is -0.92, while the effect size is 0.34 for
written tasks. This means that complex tasks
result in more fluency in written tasks, but
not in oral tasks. This indicates that modality
is likely to influence the effects of task
complexity on fluency. However, the 95%
CI in both modalities includes zero, which
means that the result is not trustworthy at all.
Zhang (2009) can be taken as an outlier. It is
worth noting that the average effect size
becomes -0.26 (-0.69~0.18) when Zhang
(2009) was eliminated from the seven
studies. And when it was excluded from the
subgroup of written modality studies, the
effect size changes to -0.01 (-0.42~0.41).
This provides evidence that there may be a
negative effect of task complexity on
learners’ fluency.
Table 6 Effect sizes in fluency of learners’ production

The previous section presented results for
the research questions addressed in this
study. In this part, we will discuss the results
with reference to some related studies in the
Resource-directing variables investigated
and CALF measures employed
Research synthesis revealed that
manipulations of the ±reasoning variable of
task complexity outweighed all others. This
is different from the finding of Jackson and
Suethanaporkul (2013), which is the only
meta-analysis investigating Cognition
Hypothesis in the field of task research to
our knowledge. This indicates that
researchers in China put emphasis on
different variables.
The studies involved in this meta-analysis
employed a variety of measures for CALF.
Jackson and Suethanaporkul (2013) also
find there are an assortment of measures.
Actually the number reaches 84 in their
synthesis. To compare our findings with
theirs, we find that in the included primary
studies there are not many employing
specific measures. Although language
learning requires that learners increase the
complexity, accuracy, and fluency of their
language production, these measures do not
capture all of the processes of L2 acquisition;
particularly, they miss those related to
development of specific linguistic forms in
meaning-oriented language production.
Some scholars abroad have pointed out the
only using general measures are not
scientific. Therefore, they suggest
combining general measures and specific
Effects of increasing task complexity on
Before we discuss the effects of
task–directing task complexity, it is
important to emphasize the need to interpret
the results with caution and to consider them
tentative, given the obvious limitations of
the present study: the small number of
primary studies, the relatively broad range
of confidence intervals, etc. As mentioned in
the above, Cognition Hypothesis predicts
that increasing task-complexity along
resource-directing dimension benefits L2
learners’ accuracy and complexity, but
hinders the fluency. As for the syntactic
complexity, the present meta-analysis of
limited empirical studies shows that the
effect size (0.67) is medium for the general
language production, for the oral and written
production being 1.10 and 0.35 respectively.
This is in consistency with the Cognition
Hypothesis, while different from Jackson
and Suethanaporkul (2013). They employed
more measures for syntactic complexity,
including general and specific ones.
However, nearly all the primary studies in
the present meta-analysis only employed
general measures.
With respect to accuracy, the meta-analysis
found a small negative effect size of task
complexity. This result is also different from
Jackson and Suethanaporkul (2013), which
found a small positive effect size. The
different measures employed by the primary
studies may partly explain the different
results of these two meta-analyses. It should
be noted that the primary studies in Jackson
and Suethanaporkul (2013) employed more
specific measures. More importantly, a
larger effect size was found to be associated
with specific measures than general
measures concerning both complexity and
accuracy in their analysis. Therefore, it is
possible that measurement practices do play
a role in the effects. The average effect sizes
may be larger when specific measures are
used, other things being equal. This point is
also consistent to Robinson, Cadierno, and
Shirai (2009), which discovered that specific
measures are more sensitive to the effects of
task complexity.
Robinson, Cadierno, and Shirai (2009)
suggests that it should only be through the
use of general and specific measures that we
will be able to present a clearer picture than
exists at present of the effects of
instructional sequences of simple to
complex resource-directing task demands on
the promotion of language use and
acquisition. Norris and Ortega (2009) argue
that syntactic complexity must be measured
multidimensionally, and also that general
measures of ‘phrasal elaboration’ are more
suitable than measures of subordination for
capturing the means “by which syntactic
complexity is achieved at the most advanced
levels of language development and
maturity” (p.563). Robinson (2011: 20)
continues to claim “ Such general measures
of subordination or phrasal elaboration, or
both, however, will also need to be
supplemented by specific measures of the
accuracy and complexity of production, as
these are relevant to particular
resource-directing characteristics.”
With regard to the complexity-accuracy
relationship, results of the present study lend
support to Skehan’s Trade-off Hypothesis
that complexity and accuracy can hardly be
achieved simultaneously. Our analysis based
on the limited studies seems to suggest that
there is a competition between them. Of
course, this finding is not conclusive. More
studies are needed to explore their
relationship, especially those employing
specific measures.
As for lexical complexity, the positive
directionality of the result confirms the
prediction by Cognition Hypothesis. This
finding is also consistent with Jackson and
Suethanapornkul’s (2013), though their
result is even smaller (d=0.03). However, it
should be noted that the 95% CI
encompasses both positive and negative
values and includes zero, indicating that
there is not a trustworthy significant
difference in terms of the effect of
increasing task complexity on lexical
complexity. Besides, the interpretation
should be cautious due to the small number
of primary studies (n=7). Another findings
of our study worth noting is that the effect
size in written modality is slightly larger
than that in oral modality (0.45 versus 0.13),
though the difference is not statistically
significant (p=0.68). This suggests that
modality might play a role in the effects of
task complexity on lexis in learners’
production. Learners may make use of the
more planning time to improve their lexical
complexity, whereas in the oral production
they do not have time for that.
Both positive directionality of effect sizes in
syntactical complexity and lexical
complexity may also lend support to
Skehan’s claim that there is a lexis-syntax
connection in learners’ performance (Skehan
2009). On one hand, learners may take
including more difficult words as a way of
increasing complexity. On the other, they
may have more time to retrieve lexis in
Robinson (1995, 2001a) predicts that when
the complexity of a language task increases,
L2 learners will make fewer errors, while at
the same time the syntactic complexity and
lexical variation of their performance will
increase. The results of our study confirms
Robinson’s predictions regarding the effect
of task complexity on syntactic complexity
and lexical variation, but not with respect to
the effect of task complexity on accuracy.
Only 7 primary studies investigating the
effects of task complexity on fluency are
included in meta-analysis. The small effect
size (0.01) indicates that increasing task
complexity is not likely to result in more
fluency. A clearer picture was shown when
the subgroups were compared. The small
positive size indicates that increased task
complexity results in learners’ more fluent
writing. However, the wide CI encompassing
both positive and negative values warns us
that the result is not so trustworthy. Especially,
considering the fact that only Zhang (2009)
includes English majors as participants, we
can hypothesize that this results in the
difference from the result of the other studies.
Obviously, more empirical studies are needed
in this issue. We expect more researchers
involve English majors as participants. The
results of two primary studies both found that
task complexity negatively affected fluency
in oral production. This difference between
modality may also be explained by the
amount of planning time. This fact also
implies that more complex tasks possibly
promote the learners to express their ideas in
Oral versus written modality
Results from the subgroup analyses indicate
a surprisingly clear picture of how the
modality influences the effects of task
complexity. Subgroup analysis indicates that
there is not a significant difference between
these two modalities. In other words,
modality does not play a significant role in
the effects of task complexity along
resource-directing dimension on the
syntactic complexity in Chinese learners’
production. What we are as well interested
in is why task complexity affects oral
production even more greatly than written
production. This fact may be accounted for
by at least the following two points: first,
these two types of tasks may involve
different information processing
mechanisms. Especially, writing invites
more online planning than speech, whereas
planning time is considered to be a
resource-dispersing variable according to
Robinson’s TCF model. The low effect size
in the written tasks may be due to the
possible interaction between two different
dimensions. Second, to further examine the
controlling variables investigated, we find
that all the studies about oral tasks take
±reasoning as the controlling variables,
while those written tasks concern other
variables like elements and context. This
difference may also partly explain the high
effect size in oral production while low
effect size in written production.
As for lexical complexity and linguistic
accuracy, subgroup analyses indicate no
significant difference between oral and
written modality either (p=0.68 and 0.93
respectively). This finding on accuracy is
consistent with Kuiken and Vedder (2011).
Their results demonstrate that both in the
oral and the written mode task complexity
mainly seems to affect accuracy. The only
possible difference between two modalities
lies in the dimension of fluency where a
positive effect was found in written tasks,
while a negative effect was discovered in
two primary studies. However, this
difference cannot be asserted with certainty
given that Zhang (2009), which can be taken
as an outlier among the five studies in the
analysis, includes English majors as
participants. It is quite possible that simple
tasks are not challenging enough for the
participants to write about, while complex
tasks prompt them to express more, and
consequently results in more fluency.
Therefore, learners’ proficiency might be a
potential variable that influences the effect
of task complexity on their language
production as far as fluency is concerned.
Until now, there has been a lot of literature
investigating the effects of increasing task
complexity on learners’ language production,
both in oral and written tasks. The present
study aims to find the current situations of
the research in China and explore the effect
of task complexity using meta-analytic
technique. To summarize, the following
conclusion can be drawn from the synthesis
and quantitative analysis:
(1) There is an assortment of treatments and
measures in the present research about
task complexity. Generally speaking,
most studies employ general measures
for syntactic complexity, lacking
specific measures. Therefore, more
studies with specific measures are
expected in order to further understand
the effects of task complexity on
Chinese learners’ production.
(2) Task complexity exerts a positive effect
on learners’ language complexity in
production (both syntactic complexity
and lexical complexity), and shows a
negative directionality on accuracy and
fluency. Therefore, it can be claimed
that the results of the present study
support Cognition Hypothesis on the
relationship between task complexity
and linguistic complexity. However, the
findings disconfirm Cognition
Hypothesis as far as accuracy is
(3) The modality does not seem to play a
significant role in the effect of task
complexity on learners’ syntactic
complexity, lexical complexity,
accuracy, and fluency. Even though task
complexity exerts a more positive effect
on syntactic complexity in oral tasks
than in written mode, the difference is
not statistically significant. A larger
effect size was found in written tasks
regarding lexical complexity, whereas,
still no significant difference was
discovered. As for accuracy and fluency,
close effect sizes were detected between
two modalities.
It has been emphasized that due to some
limitations the present systematic review is
necessarily exploratory in nature. Even
though recent years have witnessed an
increasing number of studies on task
complexity in China, the number is still
quite limited. In addition, the primary
studies investigated limited variables. Most
studies employed general measures for
CALF, which has been proved not so
sensitive to capture the effects of task
complexity by some recent studies (e.g.
Robinson et al. 2009). Therefore, future
research is advised to attempt to fill in the
above gap.