Available research on the pragmatic
competence of L2 learners shows that even
advanced-level L2 learners are prone to
making pragmatic errors when performing
different speech acts (LoCastro, 2010; Ryan,
2015). Research shows that the development
of pragmatic competence will take
conscious effort, explicit teaching, and
persistence. Facilitating learners’ acquisition
of pragmatic competence then should be an
important goal of language teaching.
Furthermore, L2 teachers are not typically
prepared to deal with pragmatics of the
language they teach and the instructional
focus has mainly been on structural aspects
of language (e.g., Alcon Soler & Guzman,
2010; Bardovi-Harlig, 2001; Eslami &
Eslami-Rasekh, 2008, Rose & Kasper,
2001). Teachers who may not feel confident
about their knowledge of L2 pragmatics can
use other resources such as films (Eslami-
Rasekh, 2005, Rose & Kasper, 2001),
sitcoms (Washburn, 2001), and also
technology (Eslami, Mirzaei, & Dini, 2015).
Another powerful strategy proposed by
researchers (e.g., LoCastro, 2010, Ryan,
2015) is to involve learners in analyzing
communications, problematic interactions,
and genres. Invitations in general and
wedding invitations in particular, can
provide the best conditions for pragmatic
language learning and the best teaching
materials. Wedding invitations provide
authentic learners with language use,
organization of moves, and content that are
culturally loaded and rich. In order to be
able to use wedding invitations and its
genre-based features for instructional
purposes, we will gain insights to investigate
how they are used in students’ first language
and culture and compare it with its
presentation and use in the target language.
Invitations are considered to be directive
speech acts since they attempt to get the
hearer to do something (Searle, 1979). At
the same time, invitations are considered to
be commissive (Searle, 1979) in that they
commit the speaker to some future course of
action. Invitations can be expressed both in
oral and written forms. Clark and Isaacs
(1990) stated that a usual and unambiguous
invitation includes some fix sections, such
as; reference to time, mention of place, and a
request for response. The main factor which
makes invitations different from one another
is the context of use, i.e., each type of
invitation is created in a specific condition.
Invitations, similar to other speech acts are
influenced by language user’s socio-cultural
norms and values and thus cross-cultural
studies of invitations should enhance
awareness of different cultural values and
cross-cultural communication. One form of
formal invitation which is used by most
speech communities is wedding invitation.
This type of invitation is usually presented
formally and in a written form.
Similar to other types of invitations, social
norms and cultural values can influence the
presentation of component moves
manifested in a typical wedding invitation
card. Therefore, it is valuable to analyze the
wedding invitation cards to examine how
cultural values are reflected in their textual
organization and content. In the present
study two complementary and overlapping
analytical paradigms have been adopted to
analyze and compare WI texts in Persian
and American English. Similar to Mirzaei
and Eslami’s (2013) study, genre analysis
and critical discourse analysis were used to
analyze the structure of WI texts and the
sociocultural values revealed by the choice
of different moves and its linguistic
realization. Genre analysis was used to
identify the generic structure of WIs in the
two speech communities of Persian speakers
and American English speakers. Critical
discourse analysis was used to investigate
the effect of social beliefs and values like
power and religion on the construction of
wedding invitation.
The study attempted to answer these two
1. What typical textual and structural
features can be identified in Iranian
and American wedding invitation
cards constructed by Persian and
American English speakers?
2. Which socio-cultural factors influence
the construction of wedding invitation
genre in the two speech communities?
Background of the Study
Pioneering research on invitations by
Wolfson and his colleagues (1983)
identified the essential components of
sincere invitations as reference to a time and
mention of a place or activity and a request
for a response. Although invitations speech
acts seem to be simple on the surface,
studies on invitations in different cultures
have shown that these speech acts may
require extended negotiations in everyday
conversations (Eslami, 2005, Garcia, 2008).
Wedding invitations are considered to be
formal invitations and serve as the formal
announcement of the ceremonial event of
marriage. As stated by Miller (1984), these
socially constructed acts belong to the
homely discourses. Homely discourses are
familiar to everyone and used frequently
used in everyday life and thus follow a
somewhat pre-determined content and
structure. Their specific purpose is to invite
others to wedding ceremonies which
according to Leeds-Hurwitz (2002) are
examples of public rites of passages which
all language users are acquainted with.
Despite their potential to reveal cultural and
social differences (Mirzaei & Eslami, 2013)
and their frequent use in all communities,
very few studies have investigated the
discoursal and organization features of these
speech acts. One of the early studies in this
area was conducted by Clynes and Henry
(2004) aiming to familiarize their students
with genre analysis and the different moves
evident in Brunei WIs. Their findings
showed that over the last forty years WI
genre in Brunei Malay has evolved rapidly.
As they pointed out, these rapid changes are
the consequences of the socio-cultural
changes in Burnei after its independence in
1984 and the need for the society to
establish its identity as an Islamic
Monarchy. As they submit, the
contemporary WIs have changed
dramatically, and a typical invitation has 16
to 20 moves spread over 5 to 8 pages.
Al-Ali (2006) studied wedding invitation
genre in Jordanian community. To do so he
asked 45 students at Jordan University of
Science and Technology to collect 200 WI
cards. The WI cards which he examined
were from 1960s to the present. In his study,
he also considered regional differences.
Through the genre analysis he found that
each wedding invitation text had almost
eight component moves constructing its
structure. Al-Ali stated that not all of these
rhetorical moves were obligatory. The
moves included: 1) opening, 2) heading, 3)
identifying the inviters, 4) requesting the
presence of others, 5) identifying the bride
and groom, 6) closing, and 7) Other optional
components. Religion and paternalism were
found to play an important role in the textual
content and discoursal organization of WIs.
The order of these elements revealed that
religion occupies the first position in the WI
followed by the tribal power and paternal
In regards to WIs in Iran, there are three
noteworthy studies. In an extensive study,
Mirzaei and Eslami (2013) investigated the
variability dynamics of WIs in Iran. Their
data included a corpus of 150 WI cards from
different parts of Iran covering the almost
one decade (2000-2011). A transdisciplinary
approach including genre analysis,
variational sociolinguistics, and critical
discourse analysis was used to analyze the
data and show the structure, the content
organization and variability of the data
based on socio cultural values and changes
that happened during 2000-2011. They
demonstrated that religious beliefs and
sociocultural values such as ethnicity,
education, socioeconomic status, profession,
and age influence young couples’ preference
and choice of WI texts and its organization.
In another study, Sharif and Yarmohammadi
(2013) similarly used genre analysis to
identify and characterize the move structures
of WIs. They also recognized that the move
structure of Iranian WIs reflect the religious
beliefs, cultural values, and social norms of
the Iranian society. Sadri (2014) examined
100 Iranian WI cards from 1970-2013
within social semiotics framework to
identify the changes across time. She
extended the scope of previous studies to
examine not only the textual features of
WIs, but also their non-verbal features such
as style, format, size, color, and typography.
Her findings reveal the remarkable changes
evident in the nonverbal features of color,
size, design, and typography as well as the
verbal features (formality, reference terms,
text length and mood). Similar to Mirzaei
and Eslami’s findings, Sadri’s findings show
that today’s sociocultural climate of Iran
shows the prevalence of creativity over
conventionalization, informality over
formality, and solidarity over power.
Although there are some research studies on
WIs in different cultures, there is no
research study that is comparative in nature
and focuses on revealing the sociocultural
differences between different communities
using the discourse and genre structure of
WIs. The present study draws on previous
studies and compares the genre structure and
textual realizations of WIs between two
distinct communities of Persian speakers in
Iran and American English speakers in the
United States.
Theoretical Framework
Two complementary approaches namely,
genre analysis and critical discourse analysis
were used in the present study. Genre is
used in research to classify or categorize
texts according to their content and structure
(Bhatia, 2004; Bloor & Bloor, 2007). Recent
approaches to genre has shifted the focus on
text to discourse practices that are socially
bound and context dependent (Foley, 1997,
Bhatia, 2004). It should be noted that
approaching genre as discourse practice,
situates the formal structures of discourse in
the wider sociocultural context in which it is
constructed (Sarangi & Slembrouck, 1994).
Considering genres as social and pragmatic
constructs and focusing on their
communicative purpose to achieve socially
recognized goals (Swales, 1990), sheds
lights on the complex dynamics underlying
communicative actions and the multifaceted
relationships between discourse and
sociocultural values of speech communities.
Investigating cross-cultural differences in
how genres are realized by considering
genres as a reflection of how social
identities are constructed and social relations
are practiced, should provide important
insights on how the social, cultural, and
religious values of different communities are
different or similar.
Critical discourse analysis (CDA) was the
second approach used in this study. CDA is
used to explain the discursive relations that
generic variability demonstrated in the data.
As stated by Fairclough (2010), CDA not
only makes the connection between textual
properties and social processes and ideology
visible, but also uses a critical lens to do so.
This approach aligns well with research
focusing on social and cultural differences
between speech communities since it
deconstructs values and ideologies that lead
to the verbal and non-verbal choices
language users make in crafting their WIs.
A multidisciplinary approach was used in
this study to describe rhetorical structures of
the WIs as a genre, and to establish links
between textual features and sociocultural
values of the two speech communities under
study. No comparative study has been
conducted on WI discourse among Iranians
Persian speakers and American English
speakers. This study tries to fill this gap and
probe into how sociocultural and religious
values are realized through and reflected in
WI genres of two culturally distinct
Participants and Data
Data included 100 WI cards from Iranian
(50) and American (50) couples. All the
Iranian couples were from Isfahan and all
the American couples were from Texas.
Using convenient and purposeful sampling,
for the Iranian sample, one of the
researchers asked her relatives and friends to
provide her with their WI cards. For the
American data, one of the researchers asked
her students to provide her as many
invitations cards as they could collect from
Texan couples. From the data set (150) that
met the age and date criteria, 50 of the
invitation cards was randomly selected and
used in this study. The couples were also
requested to provide the researchers with
their demographic information which
included questions about the marriage date
of the couples, their age, their commitment
to the religion, their socioeconomic status
and their traditional or modern positionality
on a scale of 1 (highly modern) to 5 (highly
traditional). The age range of the couples
was between 20- 34 years old and the
invitation cards were from 2003-2013.
Data Analysis
As stated above the data was analyzed using
two analytical approaches of genre analysis
and critical discourse analysis. Genre
analysis, was used to analyze the generic
structure of WI cards in the two societies
using preexisting frameworks of genre
analysis in general (Bhatia, 2004; Swales,
1990) and genre analysis of WIs in
particular (Al-Ali, 2006; Mirzaei & Eslami,
Both, the vertical and horizontal
organization of the WI texts was examined
in the analysis. The vertical and horizontal
text arrangements indicate the number of
surface level features of the texts, and more
importantly, the hierarchical order of the
rhetorical moves. To explore the most
frequent manifestations of the moves, the
percentage of each manifestations was
After finding the surface generic features of
the cards, the analysis process was
complemented with CDA proposed by
Fairclough (2010) to explore the implicit
and hidden socio cultural forces affecting
different presentation of each component
moves of the ritualized WI. CDA is mainly
concerned with exploring the effects of
factors like dominance, power and ideology
in discourse which can’t be easily
recognized by people in the ordinary social
events. Through CDA, researchers link the
micro analysis of the text to the macro
relations of power, dominance, equality and
ideology underlying this social practice.
After analyzing the data through both
approaches, the results were compared to
examine if there were any differences
regarding the genre component moves and
more importantly, if sociolinguistic
variations can be linked to intrinsic
sociocultural values and ideologies of the
two speech communities.
Textual analysis of Iranian WI cards in
relation to their vertical position indicated
seven component moves which are as
follows: Opening, heading, couples’ names,
ceremonial text, inviters’ names, situating
the wedding and other optional moves.
Figure .1 shows an image of a typical
Iranian WI card issued in 2013 (1392).

Figure1: An Iranian wedding invitation
card issued in 2013 (1392).
The textual pattern of an Iranian WI from
the corpus is shown in table 1 below. As
shown, the WI text begin with a reference to
God’s name (more or less ritual). The
second move indicates the type of the
ceremony (engagement or wedding) and is
followed by the third move which indicates
the couple’s names (the order can vary). The
fourth move is the ceremonial text, the most
prominent part of the invitation text, which
reveals the highest amount of variety and
can be in prose or poetry. Inviters’ names is
the next move. Again there is variety in who
the listed inviter(s) could be and the choice
of names and its organizational arrangement
has sociocultural significance. In the next
move the date, time, and location of the
ceremony is specified. Optional moves
could include reference to the use of
cameras by guests or other ceremonial texts.

Analysis of the American WI cards revealed
six component moves: inviters’ names,
invitation text, couples’ names, situating the
ceremony, announcing the reception
(continuation of the wedding ceremony) and
optional moves. Figure. 2 shows an example
of one American WI card issued in 2013.

Figure.2 Image of a typical American
wedding invitation card issued in 2013.
Following genre analysis of the invitation
cards, CDA was used to analyze discursive
and sociocultural process that have shaped
the sociolinguistic variability between the
two speech communities. The component
moves and their sociolinguistic variability in
each community is presented below.
Opening was used in almost all the Iranian
invitation cards and occupied the first
vertical move. The analysis revealed that
almost all the Persian WIs start with
referring to God, reflective of the Iranian’s
socio-religious orientation (Mirzei &
Eslami, 2013). This move was present in WI
cards from both groups of couples (modern
and traditional). The language used for this
move could be Arabic or Persian. Most of
the modern couples opted for Persian
versions and the traditional ones for the
Arabic version. The same pattern was
observed in relation to the level of
Data analysis showed that 56% of the
openings were Persian phrases referring to
‘God’ (e.g.,Be name hasti afarin, Be name
khaleghe eshgh, Be yadash va be yariyash)
and bout 28% of the cards opened with the
sentence “Ya Ali goftim o eshgh aghaz shod”
(the first Imam of shiete). Finally, 16% of
the cards were opened with Arabic phrases
such as Hoval mahboob. Table 1 shows
some of the most usual phrases which were
used in the Iranian wedding invitation cards
as the opening.

Furthermore, our analysis showed that
modern couples used Persian opening moves
twice as much (68.8%) compared to
traditional couples (33.3%). Similarly,
traditional couples used phrases referencing
Imam Ali’s name in 44% of the wedding
invitation cards compared to a much lower
percentage of this phrase used by modern
couples (18.7%). Interestingly, the level of
religiosity was reflected in the use of
different phrases for the opening move as
well. The couples with lower level of
religiosity showed more preference for the
use of Persian openings (66.6%) compared
to the ones with higher level of religiosity
The second vertical component of Iranian
wedding invitation cards is used to specify
the type of marriage ceremony (engagement
or wedding) which would be held by the
couple’s families. In almost all of the cards
this component was presented by a two
word heading: Jashne Aghd or Jashne
Aroosi. Almost 86% of the collected Iranian
cards included this move. The level of
variability was the least in this move
compared to the other WI moves. A few of
the cards opted either to very casual or to
highly formal pre-fabricated texts similar to
what has been presented in Mirzaei and
Eslami (2013, p. 110). An example of a
highly formal and religious heading is
shown below.
Example: Ba sepas va setayesh
khodavandegare eshgh ra ke tophighe
tamassok be Ali ebn abi talleb va
khandanash ra nasibe ma gardanid, jashne
aroosiye azizaneman x va y....
[with a gratitude to and worship of the god
of love who helped us to be the followers of
Ali- the son of Abi taleb- and his family ,
the marriage of our dear x and y….. ]
Opposite to the grandiose style used
in some of the WI cards such as above, some
very casual and informal ones such as the
example below were used as well.
Example: To ro khoda pashin beyain, vaseye
[Swear you to God, dress up and come, for a
party, It’s Wedding]
The majority of the formal headings were
used by the traditional and religious couples
(70%) and the informal and casual ones
were mainly used by modern couples with
low level of religiosity (75%). This move
did not exist in the American WI cards we
examined in our data set. However, Eslami,
Ribeiro, Snow, and Wharton (in-press)
findings showed 13% of their wedding
invitation cards from American English
speakers had openings (a quote referring to
God, friendship, love, and passion).
Couple’s Names
This move is generally composed of the
groom’s and the bride’s name. However,
there is substantial variation in how their
names (first, full, title) are mentioned and
the position each component occupies
horizontally and vertically. Furthermore,
variations are indicative of sociocultural
positioning and social values. Interestingly,
in 56% of Iranian WI cards the bride’s name
was mentioned before the groom’s. This
percentage was much higher in the
American data (80%). Furthermore, in most
of the Iranian cards the couples were
introduced only with their first names
(78%). In contrast, in more than half of the
American WIs (52%), couple’s full name
was used. In only 22% of the Iranian WI
cards the bride and the groom were
introduced with the titles, Aghaye (Mr.) and
Dooshizeh (Miss).
As can be seen in Table 2 and 3 traditional
and religious couple rarely used the couple’s
first name whereas modern and couples with
low levels of religiosity used the first name
prevalently. A similar pattern was revealed
for the American WIs (tables 4 and 5).

Similar to Mirzaei and Eslami (2013) and
Sadri (2014), in contemporary Iranian WI
cards, the use of first names (more casual
style) for both groom and bride and the
public display of Iranian women’s names
are now common practice and reflective of
social and economic mobility of women in
Ceremonial Text in the Iranian Wedding
The highest degree of the sociolinguistic
variability was evidenced in this move. The
texts used in this move showed different
emotional intensity embodying love and
affection. The texts were mostly in the form
of Persian prose or poetry selected from
Persian literature or prevalent fixed texts
used in modern Persian. Sometimes the texts
were composed by the couples themselves.
Ceremonial texts were found in 90% of the
Iranian dataset. In 52% of the invitation
cards the couples chose modern Persian
poetry (neo-poetry) as the ceremonial text of
their WI.
Be Khorshid sepordeam har sobh be ou
begoo doostat daram.
I told the sun to tell her every morning “I
love you”.
Some couples (30%) chose classical Persian
poetry mostly from Hafez.
Saghi be noore bade barafrooz jame ma,
motreb begoo ke kare jahan shod be came
ma, ma dar piyale akse rokhe yar dide im,
ey bikhabar ze lezate shorbe modame ma.
[O wine-bearer brighten my cup with the
wine, O minstrel say good fortune is now
mine. The face of my Beloved is reflected in
my cup. Little you know why with wine, I
always myself align.].
In a small number of the cards (8%) neither
the classical poetry, nor the new one had
been used. Instead, couples chose different
ways to present their ceremonial text.
The examples presented are a strong
indication of the modern couples reflecting
their inner feelings and affection and their
resistance to use routinized and traditional
pre-fabricated texts. A detailed account and
several more examples similar the one we
have presented above can be found in
Mirzaei and Eslami (2013) and Sadri (2014).
The actual invitation is typically embedded
in this move. However, its presentation
differs in the two groups. Iranian couples
used ceremonial text at the heart of their WI
cards, then invited their guests through a
brief sentence. On the other hand, American
couples didn’t use any ceremonial text in
their invitation and directly invited their
guests through one simple sentence.
American: You are cordially invited to the
marriage ceremony of …….
Iranian: Cheshm be rahe hozoore shoma
[We are forward to receive you]
Inviters’ Names
The inviters of the Iranian weddings were
mostly the couple’s fathers (48%). In some
cases the couple’s parents were mentioned
as the inviters (28%). What is important to
note is that there was no explicit reference to
the names of the couple’s mothers. This
indicates the prevalence of paternal
authority in the Iranian society. Furthermore
the name of the groom’s father occupied the
more prominent right-hand column
horizontally. In a number of cards the
couple’s family names were put as the
inviters of the wedding ceremony (24%).
Overall analysis of this move with its variety
of realization patterns showed a high level
of paternal authority in Iranian WI texts.
Most of the traditional and religious couples
used only their father’s names in their WIs.
Table 5 and table 6 show different
presentation of Iranian inviters’ names
regarding modernity and religiosity. Couples
father as inviter was used most frequently by
traditional (77.8%) and religious (70%)
couples. Conversely, couples last names as
inviters was used more frequently by
modern and less religious couples (31.25%
and 33.3%), than traditional and more
religious couples (11% and 10%).

In American WIs, in most cases, the
couple’s parents were the inviters of the
ceremony (52%). In those cases the name of
the bride’s parents came first. In some of
the cards the couples, together with their
parents were the inviters of the ceremony
(10%). In a group of WIs (30%), the couples
were the inviters themselves. In 8% of the
cards only the bride’ family was the inviter
of the ceremony. Similar to the Iranian data
set the couple’s fathers gained the prominent
position in the cards. However, contrary to
the Iranian WIs in which in about half of the
cases (48%) only the couple’s fathers were
the inviters, this did not exist in the
American data. The parents were listed as
the inviters in about half of the American
WIs but fathers’ name occupied the first in
the sequence, (e.g., Mr, and Mrs. Miller).
Therefore the effect of masculine power
dominating this component in the American
dataset was not as strongly evident as in the
Iranian cards. Similar to Iranian WIs, as
shown in tables 4 and 5, the level of
modernity and religiosity effected the
realization pattern of this move in American
WIs as well. In general the traditional and
religious couples listed couples parents as
the inviters much more frequently than the
modern ones (78.2 vs. 28.5) and listed the
couples as the inviters less frequently
compared to the modern ones (4.34 vs 66.7).
Examples from American data:
Dr. and Mrs.Robert Wesley Clark (Bride’
Parents) and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sweitzer
(Groom’ Parents)
Together with their parents Ana Maricela
Gonzalez and Justin Poeniseh
Michael and Maryann invite you to their
wedding ceremony……………….
Examples from Iranian data:
Dr. Ali sarami va Banoo (Bride’ Parents)
Dr. bahram vahid va Banoo(Groom’s
Iranian: Saeed Shafiee (Brid’s Father)
Mohammad Jabal Ameli( Groom’s Father)
Iranian: Sadeghi Groom’s Family)
Bahrami (Bride’s family)
Situating the Ceremony
This moves includes the date, time and the
place of the ceremony. This component
naturally was present in almost all WIs and
it was presented similarly in both groups in
the present study. The different components
of this move were independently represented
on the vertical axis. The date and type of
reception of the wedding celebrations were
generally introduced including the time, the
type of reception and date. The dates were
generally arranged around weekends.
Moreover, the use of religious holidays was
more prevalent among the traditional and
religious couples. Following the time and
reception information, the place was
mentioned (address). The type of reception,
which was mentioned in most of the Iranian
WI cards (Be sarfe sharbat va shirini) (Juice
and sweet will be served) was not present in
the American WI cards.
Most WIs in the American data set included
a second part to the ceremony (reception).
Reception typically follows the wedding
ceremony (e.g., Reception immediately
following the ceremony) and is held in clubs,
wedding halls and gardens.
Optional Moves
The last part of the Iranian and American
WI cards include one or more optional
moves. None of the optional moves were
similar in the two groups of the cards. In
Iranian WI cards request for not bringing
any types of camera was the most frequent
optional move. This rhetorical move was
found in the cards that belonged to religious
families. The other optional move was the
name and telephone number of the publisher
of the cards. Moreover, whishing happiness
for the couples is another optional
component in the Iranian cards.
Lotfan az avardane har gooneh doorbine
filmbardary va akkasi khoddari konid.
[Please kindly avoid bringing any types of
film or photograph cameras]
The optional moves in American dataset
were different from the Iranian ones. Asking
the guests to confirm their attendance in the
couples’ marriage website or in the cards
attached to the WI cards was one of the
optional moves.
Please RSVP by April seven at
RSVP (Respondez sil vous plait) means
please respond either way whether you are
able to make it or not.
A few American couples used some literary,
emotional sentences in their WIs which was
similar to the ceremonial text written in
Iranian WIs.
Discussion and Conclusion
The main focus of this study was to analyze
and describe the structure and content of
wedding invitations used in American and
Iranian communities. The findings indicate
that the wedding invitations have specific
generic moves that are not difficult to
identify. However the number of moves
differ in each group and the Iranian WIs
exhibit considerable variation in the content
of different moves especially the ceremonial
text move.
Religious affiliation, masculine power, and
traditional orientations were more noticeable
in the Iranian WIs compared to the
American ones. In all of the Iranian WI
cards the couples’ fathers were introduced
before their mothers indicating the existence
of paternal authority in the presentation of
Iranian WIs. Moreover, religious affiliation
and traditional orientation were influential
factors on the level of formality, the choice
of names and its public presentation, the
order of name arrangement, and the content
of opening and ceremonial texts. In the cases
where the couples were religious and
traditional, the groom and the bride were
introduced with the titles Mr. and Miss.
Furthermore; it was found that most
ceremonial texts in the Iranian dataset
revealed a modern tone of discourse
presentation and word choice. This fact is
related to the Iranian couples’ preference to
be distanced from strict and fixed discourse
which had dominated WI genre in the past.
Similar to the Iranian WIs, analyzing the
American dataset revealed that masculine
power, traditional orientation and religious
affiliation were somewhat effective factors
on the content and structural arrangement of
different moves. The influence was much
less noticeable compared to the Iranian WIs
though. For instance, the effect of paternal
authority was evident on introducing the
inviters of the ceremony who were mostly
the couple’ parents. In all of the American
cards the couple’s fathers’ names preceded
their mothers’ names. Moreover, the effect
of traditional orientation and religiosity were
seen in the presentation of American
couple’s names. Religious and traditional
couples preferred using their full names in
their WIs.
The findings reveal that compared to
American WIs with a simple design and
adherence to established conventions, the
Iranian WIs mainly exhibit tendency toward
creativity in the use of wedding invitations
contents and its structural components. The
differences evident in casual vs. formal style
of language, use of Persian rather than
Arabic language to refer to God, use of
bride’s name, use of first name for bride and
groom, the romantic tone of the ceremonial
texts and openings reflecting the influence
of modernity and the level of religiosity of
the couple was much more marked and
noticeable in the Iranian WIs than in the
American ones.
In both speech communities the level of
modernity and religiosity was effective on
the presentation of the inviters of the
ceremony. However; the analysis of the data
revealed that the effect of these factors was
more evident on the construction of Iranian
WIs than the American ones. The
predominant reference to God in the Iranian
WIs indicates the strong role of religious
beliefs in the Iranian culture and the fact that
in Iran religion is interwoven in everyday
life practices and activities (Mirzaei &
Eslami, 2013; Sadri, 2014, Zarei & Sadri,
It can be concluded that the effect of
aforementioned sociocultural forces were
not the same on WI genre in the two speech
communities. For instance, whereas the
presentation of the inviters in the Iranian
cards was affected by masculine power,
commitment to religion, level of
traditionality and educational status, in
American WI this component mostly was
influenced by paternal authority and
traditional orientation of the families. In
sum, the comparative study of speech acts
can provide insights on the cultural and
social differences in different societies.
Moreover, as the findings show, the study of
wedding invitations can provide a rich
source for investigating the sociocultural
values of different societies. Furthermore, as
shown in this study, the WIs should be
considered as dynamic entities that not only
are shaped by the sociocultural values of its
users, but also can shape and change the
cultural values of the society as language
practices can change language users’
mindset and perspective.
The study has implications for teaching of
pragmatics in L1 and in L2. Learners in
foreign language context do not have easy
access to authentic materials that are
pragmatically rich. Thus, teachers must not
only provide learners with authentic,
accurate, and appropriate materials to
facilitate their pragmatic development, they
must also give the learners information
about the norms and raise their awareness
about the cross linguistic variations. Using
wedding invitation cards as teaching
materials and a useful source of input can
raise the consciousness of the students about
genres, moves, and how genres are socially
and culturally constructed. Wedding
invitations as discussed in this paper are one
of the homely genres that are used
frequently in every culture. Using examples
of authentic language use such as wedding
invitations as teaching materials can remove
the responsibility of being the sole supplier
and interpreter of pragmatic language use
from teachers (Washburn, 2001) and provide
the students the opportunity to become data
collectors, researchers, and discourse
analysts and learn from realistic and
stimulating examples. Wedding invitations
as a culturally and socially rich genre can
provide the teachers with valuable teaching
material for teaching pragmatics of the
language use and the learners with research
skills and analytic abilities to dissect the
explicit and implicit messages conveyed
through the content of each move and
arrangement of content in different moves
and in different discourse types.